• A commitment with CO NEXT lasts 3-5 years, depending on the location and role.

  • We are committed to sending you with a healthy team! Before you launch, a coach will guide you through every step. On the field, your supervisor and Member Care coordinator will ensure you continue to serve from a place of health.

  • Yes. The region you are coming from will determine how involved the process will be.

  • Yes, we seek to match each candidate with a location that best uses their skills, gifts, and abilities.

  • We offer pre-field training for older children by staff who have lived overseas and ongoing member care support for parents learning to parent in another country.

  • Once you complete your Interest Form, you can begin discussing with our deployment coaches where you best fit within the current openings, roles, and needs in our various locations.

  • All staff will have health, life, and disability insurance covered under United Health Care — a reputable, well-known carrier in and outside the US.